Meow My Persians
Lansing, Michigan
Specializing in Solid and Tabby Persians since 2005
Updated 1/25/2025

GC, RW Topknot's Bruce of Meow My

Bruce was a fun cat to show. What a great boy!
Thank you Kim Sieving for sharing Bruce with us.
He is making wonderful babies with the Meow My females.

Sire of:
GC, BWR, RW Meow My Gentleman Jack DM
GC, NW Meow My No Holds Barred
GC, RW Meow My Just One Look
GC Meow My Promise Me
GC, GPD, NW Meow My Rhubarb Pie
GC Meow My Brutus Beefcake
GC, RW Meow My Chasing Fire of Olde Rose
GC Meow My Kiss Me Quick
CH, GP, RW Meow My Willie Wonka-Doodle

Pedigree Of GC, RW Topknot's Bruce of Meow My
ParentsGrandparentsGreat GrandparentsGreat Great Grandparents
Topknot's Edward
Odd-Eyed White
CH Johnorah Oh Brother! of Topknot
GC & RW Scrimshaw Rowdy of Johnorah
Red Tabby
GC RW Boberan Shaq Attack of Scrimshaw
GC Agonistes Chaos of Scrimshaw
CH Wishstar Ebony of Johnorah
GP Wishstar Ladys Man
GC & RW Wishstar Go Calforum DM
Brown Mackerel Tabby
GC Chrishanna Vegas of Topknot
Odd-Eyed White
CH Sunny Ridge Mr Magoo of Topknot
Copper-Eyed White
GC Sunny Ridge Oscar De La Renta
Copper-Eyed White
Artemis Chalet DM
GC Fanci FX Skyy of Chrishanna DM
Blue Mackerel Tabby
GC & RW Fanci FX Fudge Rippel
Brown Tabby
GC Dreamsicles Pueblo Rose of Fanci FX
Brown Mackerel Tabby
CH Validian's Pearl Jam of Topknot
Copper-Eyed White
Lark Hill Snowbound of ValidianReal World's Moshi MoshiReal World's Billy Boy of Arrow
Real World's Diva
Agonistes Delilah of Lark HIllHugsalot's Buzz of Agonistes
GC & NW Agonistes Calamity of Newages
Validian Vanilla Sky
Copper-Eyed White
Artemis Shooting Starz of Validian
Copper-Eyed White
Sundew's Starz of Artemis
Copper-Eyed White
Lexus Minerva of Artemis
CH Revillion Papillion of Validian
Copper-Eyed White
GC & RW Revillion Ol' Blue Eyes
Blue-Eyed White
Kountrylovin Firefly of Revillion